Thursday, March 1, 2012


I am now an official foster mummy and this is my first baby. "Rupert" is a very very talkative little dude with bundles of energy. He is so demanding at times i feel like a single parent raising a crying, grizzly, whining toddler. Never the less i love him all the same.

 At this stage i am not in the position to release and discuss further info on his surrender to the Rescue organisation i'm fostering for but in no time he will be up for adoption. Rupert needs a home with bundles of love, a knee to curl up on and a family with patience. If anyone is interested in becoming his forever family, he will be up for adoption in around a week and the rescue organisation charge $200 to cover the vet work done before he is re-homed. I will post the info when it's time. 

Rupie is gentle, loving, a bit cheeky but generally well behaved. He walks well around the garden on a harness (as he is now kept as an indoor cat), he uses a litter tray and scratching post and seems to have a personality that i feel he would become good friends with a gentle, snuggly dog or cat. 

Friday, February 10, 2012


 For the beautiful people that attended the opening night of 'Tea Time', an exhibition showcasing the artist nature of Ashlea Bechaz, Sophie McPike, Hanna Mancini and myself, we very much appreciate the love and interest you expressed for us. It was a fun night and great turn out (i am lucky enough to have even sold a few pieces already, eeek).
 The exhibition is running until until Feb 27th at Cube 37 in Frankston if anyone is still keen to check it out.

 If you were taken by any of the pieces, styles and characters or a particular artist and would like to see more here's where o find us;
  Me (Tegan Carter) -  click the link on this post to visit my illustration Facebook page  OR  contact me via email 
(lamp shades, iguanas,etc)
  Ashlea Bechaz -  OR email her 
(Ashlea does the indian/middle eastern characters)
  Sophie McPike - visual artist, email her 
(Sophie does the medium to large oil paintings on canvas, portraits of 1900's silent era film stars)
  Hanna Mancini -  OR email her 
(Hanna does the tiny collage/watercolour characters in fancy little frames)

Thanks to the darling people at Cube 37 for giving us a great space and helping put together a great experience.
Congrats girlies and big thanks to Ashlea for making this happen! 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Join us for "Tea Time"

 Ashlea, Sophie, Hanna and i have prepared a glorious feast for your eyes and we're inviting you to join us at the opening night of our exhibition. Cube 37 in Frankston (to the right of the art centre) has opened it's doors, showcasing the paintings, collages and drawings of us four young girls.
The large space has been transformed into a whimsical wonder of cute, reminiscent, bizarrely erotic and quirky works of all sizes that will entice you in for hours of fascination.
We wish to see you on opening night, Friday February 10th from 6-8pm for drinks and food but the exhibition is open now until Feb 27th if you would like to ponder the place in your own time  : )
Works are for sale at (we're guessing) reasonable prices and feel free to contact us or enquire about commissions. It's been fun but opening should be great!