She has been delicately stitching together a delightful range of cross-stitch brooches and more recently sewing together neat and sweet little zip purses and totes. All of which you can get your sticky little fingers on at her Etsy shop
Zoe's dear sweet cat "Daisy" has recently been through a rather rough patch after eating a small piece of thread (warning to all crafting cat owners out there) which has unfortunately left Zoe with a rather big vet bill. To help cover costs Zoe held a Prize Giveaway fundraiser on her blog (where you can read Daisy's story) and thanks to a generous, caring lot of people was a success (at least for just over half the bill). If your a lover of cute crafts or are in need of a special gift for a friend then "A Giraffe in a Scarf"may just have something that fits... and it would certainly make Zoe and her recovering cat a very happy couple!
Thanks Tegan! :D